Guardians Of The Galaxy: Who Might Be Star-Lord's Dad?
Spoiler Alert : This blog post contains major spoilers for Guardians of the Galaxy . If you haven't seen the film yet and wish to go in without knowing anything about the plot, I would recommend not clicking the "Keep reading" button below! Keep reading Hide content By the end of James Gunn ’s Guardians of the Galaxy there is one big question that looms over everything: who is Peter Quill ’s father? The movie itself offers up a few hints and pieces of evidence towards the end, but also leaves the matter unresolved. It’s pretty clearly a set up for the announced Guardians of the Galaxy 2 in 2017, but we’re far too impatient to wait three years for the issue to resolve itself. You know what that means: it’s speculation time! Sorting through the information available in Guardians of the Galaxy of course, the history of Guardians of the Galaxy comics, we’ve determined three different characters who could potentially wind up being Star-Lord ’s dad. Long-time ...